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What Should I Keep In My Car?

What Should I Keep In My Car?

What Should I Keep in my Car?

You want to be prepared for any emergency, and any situation while you are on the road. That means ensuring you always have the proper items in your car at all time. An emergency preparedness kit is a great idea and we’ve compiled a master list of these items to have, and we’ve broken it down into 3 categories: Items to keep accessible, Items incase of an emergency breakdown, and Items to take with you if you must leave your broken down vehicle.

Items to keep accessible:

  • Small tool kit: scissors, multi-bit screwdriver, pliers etc.
  • $50-$100 in small bills. You never know when you may need emergency money for hotel or food
  • Tire pressure gauge 
  • Extra water & high protein snacks
  • Ice scraper & snow brush
  • A first-aid kit
  • Flashlight with extra batteries
  • Umbrella or rain poncho
  • Extra hats, gloves & hand warmers

Items incase of an emergency breakdown:

  • Fire extinguisher 
  • Reflective warning triangles. These warn oncoming traffic. 
  • Emergency flares
  • Foam tire or leak sealant 
  • Spare tire, tire iron, and jack
  • Jumper cables (the longer, the better)
  • Tow straps
  • Assorted bungee cords
  • Foldable shovel

Items to take with you if you must leave your broken down vehicle:

  • Hand crank flashlight with NOAA radio and USB port
  • First aid kit
  • Duct Tape
  • Multi-purpose tool
  • Emergency blankets
  • Non-perishable snacks
  • Waterproof matches/lighter/long burning emergency candles
  • Map and compass
  • Whistle or Air-horn

Family-Specific Items:

These are things that you may need, depending on your family composition. If you have a baby, you might want to keep some extra diapers, diaper rash ointment, baby wipes, and canned or powdered formula stashed in your car. If you regularly travel with a family pet, have an extra leash, some sealed dog (or cat) food, and a collapsible pet bowl in your car.

Canadian Tire offers pre-made Auto Safety Kits. You can click here to find one!

Thanks for following along on this week’s blog post! Is there something you want to see or learn? Send us a message on Facebook or Instagram!

Happy Road Trippin’!

Categories: Car emergency kit